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英语演讲稿Elizabeth Glaser《Democratic National Convention Address》

I'm Elizabeth Glaser. Eleven years ago, while giving birth to my first child, I hemorrhaged and was transfused with seven pints of blood. Four years later, I found out that I had been infected with the AIDS virus and had unknowingly passed it

参与:726时间:2012-11-18 英语演讲稿 Elizabeth Glaser
英语演讲稿Huey P. Long《Share Our Wealth (Text) and "Barbecue Speech"》

President Roosevelt was elected on November 8, 1932. People look upon an elected President as the President. This is January 1935. We are in our third year of the Roosevelt depression, with the conditions growing worse...

We must now become

参与:722时间:2012-11-18 英语演讲稿 Huey P. Long
英语演讲稿Gerald R. Ford《Address on Taking the Oath of the U.S. Presidency》

Mr. Chief Justice, my dear friends, my fellow Americans: 

The oath that I have taken is the same oath that was taken by George Washington and by every President under the Constitution. But I assume the Presidency under extraordinary cir

参与:728时间:2012-11-18 英语演讲稿 Gerald R. Ford
英语演讲稿Jimmy Carter《Energy and the National Goals - A Crisis of Confidence》

Good Evening:

This a special night for me. Exactly three years ago, on July 15, 1976, I accepted the nomination of my party to run for President of the United States. I promised you a President who is not isolated from the people, who feels

参与:761时间:2012-11-18 英语演讲稿 Jimmy Carter
英语演讲稿Malcolm X《Message To The Grass Roots》

And during the few moments that we have left, we want to have just an off-the-cuff chat between you and me -- us. We want to talk right down to earth in a language that everybody here can easily understand. We all agree tonight, all of the speaker

参与:819时间:2012-11-18 英语演讲稿 Malcolm X
英语演讲稿William Jefferson Clinton《Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Prayer Service Address》

Thank you very much, Governor Keating and Mrs. Keating, Reverend Graham, to the families of those who have been lost and wounded, to the people of Oklahoma City, who have endured so much, and the people of this wonderful state, to all of you who a

参与:821时间:2012-11-18 英语演讲稿 William Jefferson Clinton
英语演讲稿Ronald Reagan《Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate》

Thank you. Thank you, very much. 

Chancellor Kohl, Governing Mayor Diepgen, ladies and gentlemen: Twenty four years ago, President John F. Kennedy visited Berlin, and speaking to the people of this city and the world at the city hall. W

参与:863时间:2012-11-18 英语演讲稿 Ronald Reagan
英语演讲稿Elie Wiesel《The Perils of Indifference》

Mr. President, Mrs. Clinton, members of Congress, Ambassador Holbrooke, Excellencies, friends: 

Fifty-four years ago to the day, a young Jewish boy from a small town in the Carpathian Mountains woke up, not far from Goethe's beloved

参与:774时间:2012-11-18 英语演讲稿 Elie Wiesel
英语演讲稿Gerald R. Ford《Address to the Nation Pardoning Richard M. Nixon》

Ladies and gentlemen: I have come to a decision which I felt I should tell you and all of my fellow American citizens, as soon as I was certain in my own mind and in my own conscience that it is the right thing to do. *I have learned already in th

参与:786时间:2012-11-18 英语演讲稿 Gerald R. Ford
英语演讲稿Lyndon Baines Johnson《Let Us Continue》

*Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Members of the House, Members of the Senate, my fellow Americans: 

*All I have I would have given gladly not to be standing here today. 

*The greatest leader of our time has been struck down by th

参与:910时间:2012-11-18 英语演讲稿 Lyndon Baines Johnson
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