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如果你去医院,护士让你填写病历卡,一看你写的出生年月,一九九零年,你都没有说你哪里不舒服了,她直接手指一指——脑科。你去女朋友家里面见家长,未来的丈母娘也对你很客气,“小伙子多大了?”“二十三岁,阿姨。”“哦, 八九年的啊,不错不错,年少有为。”“不是,阿姨,九零年的。”“滚出去,离

参与:1310时间:2013-10-01 超级演说家 许豪杰 九零后
英语演讲稿 Martin Luther King, Jr.《I Have a Dream》

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipatio

参与:1035时间:2012-11-25 英语演讲稿 Martin Luther King Jr.
英语演讲稿 John F. Kennedy《Inaugural Address》

Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens:

We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom -- symbolizing an e

参与:798时间:2012-11-25 英语演讲稿 John F. Kennedy
英语演讲稿 Franklin Delano Roosevelt《First Inaugural Address》

President Hoover, Mr. Chief Justice, my friends:

This is a day of national consecration. And I am certain that on this day my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency, I will address them with a candor and a decision

参与:805时间:2012-11-25 英语演讲稿 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
英语演讲稿 Barbara Charline Jordan《1976 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address》

Thank you ladies and gentlemen for a very warm reception.

It was one hundred and forty-four years ago that members of the Democratic Party first met in convention to select a Presidential candidate. Since that time, Democrats have continued

参与:965时间:2012-11-25 英语演讲稿 Barbara Charline Jordan
英语演讲稿 Richard M. Nixon《Checkers》

My Fellow Americans,

I come before you tonight as a candidate for the Vice Presidency and as a man whose honesty and integrity has been questioned.

Now, the usual political thing to do when charges are made against you is to either ign

参与:829时间:2012-11-25 英语演讲稿 Richard M. Nixon
英语演讲稿 Franklin Delano Roosevelt《Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation》

Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives:

Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval an

参与:864时间:2012-11-25 英语演讲稿 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
英语演讲稿 Malcolm X《The Ballot or the Bullet》

Mr. Moderator, Reverend Cleage, Brother Lomax, brothers and sisters, and friends -- and I see some enemies. In fact, I think we’d be fooling ourselves if we had an audience this large and didn’t realize that there were some enemies present.

参与:1163时间:2012-11-25 英语演讲稿 Malcolm X
正能量英语演讲稿 Ronald Reagan《The Space Shuttle

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the Union, but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans. Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are pained to the core b

参与:828时间:2012-11-25 正能量英语演讲稿 Ronald Reagan
正能量演讲稿 Lyndon Baines Johnson《We Shall Overcome》

Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Members of the Congress:

I speak tonight for the dignity of man and the destiny of democracy. I urge every member of both parties, Americans of all religions and of all colors, from every section of this country,

参与:997时间:2012-11-25 正能量演讲稿 Lyndon Baines Johnson
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